Tagged with greece germany


Saxo TV Live - Hardy: Greek deal will weaken Euro

1,136 views July 13, 2015

Catch up on the latest Saxo TV Live update. News of a Greek deal has been received favourably by...


Koefoed: Why the markets don't fear Greek...

506 views July 06, 2015

There's still so much uncertainty over what will be the final outcome for Greece. Saxo's Mads...


Veksler: Expect another week of muted...

508 views July 06, 2015

EURUSD gapped lower when Asia opened this Monday following the Greek no vote. But that gap has...


Veksler: Why I won't trade EURUSD at the moment

535 views July 02, 2015

There's been surprise at just how well the Euro is doing despite the Greek crisis. Ken Veksler...


Jakobsen: Greek crisis has echoes of Lehman...

1,219 views June 30, 2015

Could the unfolding Greek saga have echoes of the dark days just before the collapse of Lehman...


Knuthsen: Why I'm still bullish on European...

486 views June 30, 2015

Saxo's Teis Knuthsen has been bullish on European equities since late last year. Despite the...


Hardy: How to trade EUR as Greece implodes

1,080 views June 29, 2015

As the Euro weakens over Greece, Saxo's John Hardy notes that it's the Japanese Yen that's...


Jakobsen: Why the Greek problem won't be solved

4,917 views June 24, 2015

Saxo Bank's Chief Economist, Steen Jakobsen, says that even if a deal between Greece and its...


Fasdal: How I would trade a Greek deal

1,079 views June 23, 2015

There's still no deal on Greece but as one is looking more likely, the markets have been reacting...


Deal or no deal - how to trade Greece

560 views June 18, 2015

If a deal is finally agreed with Greece, Saxo's Teis Knuthsen says European equities will jump...


Asia Pacific update: Markets watching Greece...

506 views June 15, 2015

Saxo Bank's Asia Macro Strategist Kay Van-Petersen brings us up to date with his round-up of the...


Berger: Dax relief rally is all about bonds and...

655 views June 10, 2015

Wednesday saw the Dax pick up after it entered a correction earlier this week. Serge Berger,...